CORNERSTONE FELLOWSHIP- Waynesville,NC June 12-20, 2009
Thank you Cornerstone Fellowship for partnering with us this past week. 32 people received Jesus Christ in La Esperanza. That's what it's all about!!!
Suzie Altermatt, Coni Bishop, Justin Bishop, Greg Bridges, Haley Bridges, Jeff Ingle, Sherri Ingle, Bob Morris, Marla Morris, McKinley Morris, Sydney Morris, Allen Painter, Hannah Painter, Jill Painter, Jonathan Painter, Amanda Shumpert, Stacy Waldrop & Amanda Welch
Suzie Altermatt, Coni Bishop, Justin Bishop, Greg Bridges, Haley Bridges, Jeff Ingle, Sherri Ingle, Bob Morris, Marla Morris, McKinley Morris, Sydney Morris, Allen Painter, Hannah Painter, Jill Painter, Jonathan Painter, Amanda Shumpert, Stacy Waldrop & Amanda Welch
Coni playing a toss game with the daycare kids in San Ignacio.
The daycare kids were taught the "Leap Frog" game.
The children enjoyed standing in the middle of the pool while Marla & Amanda formed a bubble around them.
McKinley helping the kids make their own bubbles with the hula hoop.
Sydney helping Antonio with his shoes.
Kids loved the puppet show at San Ignacio.
Kids loved the face painting.
Sherri & Justin practicing with Eric.
This is one of our new addition to the First Baptist Church San Ignacio congregation. Amanda has a beautiful blanket and a baby packet for our new mom Doris.
For the first time at La Esperanza....flouride treatments were given to the kids at school.
Thank you Suzie for your medical help.
Greg wiring lights for the new church at La Esperanza.
Some of the children at La Esperanza participated at vacation bible school. They were some of the animals on Noah's ark.
The girls at La Esperanza enjoyed playing soccer. Hannah, Sydney & McKinley were good coaches.
Delmy translating for Jonathan & Antonio before the soccer game.
Bob & Justin painting the window at the future feeding center building in Naranjal.
Suzie, Stacy, Jill ,Amanda & Amanda preparing the food buckets at Naranjal.
Greg & Jill distributing a food bucket to one of the homes in Naranjal.
Cornerstone did a wonderful job with VBS at Naranjal.
Tug-O-War l..........GO CONI !!!!
Jill showing some of the kids at Naranjal how to throw the frisbee.
Pinata anyone???!!!
Cornerstone provided a rice & chicken meal for the kids during Vacation Bible School.
Kids loved the balloons!
Jeff with Pastor Funchu & Kevin.
Thanks so much to the group and the congregation at Cornerstone Fellowship for your generosity of the clothes and shoes you gave to the children.
Haley & Amanda enjoying a card game with 2 of the youth in San Ignacio