Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas Pictures

Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas at Naranjal

San Ignacio Baptist Church celebrates Christmas at Naranjal. Gifts and fruit bags were delivered to the remote village of Naranjal.

Christmas in San Ignacio

San Igancio Baptist Church celebrated Christmas with a dinner and special service. The children of the church were treated to a special gift and a stocking filled with candy and fruit.
Thanks to all who financially made this possible.


Thanks to New Hope Baptist Church from Earl, North Carolina for helping in the Christmas programs at San Ignacio, Oscano and Naranjal.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Comunion Ladies Minister to the Elderly

The ladies from Comunion Baptist Church spent a afternoon visting a home for the elderly. Sharing New Testaments and small gifts with all the people at the home. This is a new ministry oppurtunity for Comunion Church.

Celebration of a new life

Glenda is the latest member to join San Ignacio Baptist Church. Glenda accepted Jesus Christ as her savour, and will follow in baptism. We celebrate each of the three ladies who have recently joined our fellowship.

San Ignacio Ladies Craft Class

These proud ladies have completed their aprons. After their 2nd class everyone has an apron to show for their work. Bible study, prayer and fellowship are important parts of the ladies craft class.